Please support Global Compassion Inc by donating


Please donate using Paypal, Global Compassion Challenge, or attend fundraising events

Donate via PayPal

To donate online, click the Donate button.

Global Compassion, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.  Contributions are deductible, as provided by law.   

98% of funds raised go directly to Global Compassion Inc. charitable projects.


Click a project image you would like to support and then enter a dollar amount to pay via Paypal.

Compassion Challenge. Please support the very poor by buying an item.

Buy a bicycle so poor high school students can travel miles to school quickly and safely.

Buy a bicycle so poor high school students can travel miles to school quickly and safely. 

Buy a goat to help support a poor family in need.

Buy a goat to help support a poor family in need.

Buy a sewing machine so poor women in need can support themselves.

Buy a sewing machine so poor women in need can support themselves.

Buy a cow to help support a poor family in need of our support.

Buy a cow to help support a poor family in need of our support.

Help provide clean water to thousands of poor people.

Help provide clean water to thousands of poor people.


Amazon Smile

AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon that allows you to shop on, but with a benefit to Global Compassion, Inc.

When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your eligible Amazon purchase to Global Compassion, Inc. 

Start be clicking this link. Then following the highlighted steps.  

1.  Select "Your AmazonSmile"

2  Then Change charity

3. Then type in "Global Compassion Inc" from Midland, Michigan.

For more information regarding Amazon Smile, click these links: Instructions  FAQs

Please Donate and attend a Fundraising Event